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Regarding the maintenance work of GC-702 gantry crane at NO. 70 pier of Kaohsiung port, and please inform the affiliated members or vessels passing through the area to be aware and avoid it for the sake of navigation safety.

2024-02-07 Kaohsiung
1. According to the fax by Hong Ming Terminal & Stevedoring CORP. on February 7th, 2024.
2. Work period: From 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on February 7th, 2024.
3. During the work period, the boom will be extended about 60 meters horizontally over the water. The lighting warning system will be activated at night. Ships near the terminal should pay special attention to the boom for navigation safety.
4. Contact person and phone number : (07)812-9234, 0988-918844.
Last Updated:2024-06-17