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Regarding our company's execution of the "Kaohsiung Port Berth 77 Collision Damage Repair Project," which involves underwater steel sheet pile cutting and welding operations, we kindly request you to inform your members and vessels to exercise caution and give way when navigating through the construction area to ensure the safety of the operations and navigation.

2024-02-23 Kaohsiung
1. According to the letter No. 1136203863 by our branch on Febuary 23th, 2023.
2. Work period: From Febuary 22th 2023 to May 17th 2025.
3. Operating Vessel: "Chuan Sheng."
4.Contact person and phone number as follows: 
(a) Contractor: Mr. Li Lianqi, Yishan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 0932-376959.
(b) Supervising Contractor: Mr. Wang Shiming, Taiwan Sishi Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd. 0972-282457.
(c) Our Company: Engineer Cai Yunzhang 07-5622671.
5. A copy of the "Operation Location Map" is attached for your reference.
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Last Updated:2024-06-17