1. According to the letter No. 1126553082 by our branch on December 25th, 2023.
2. Work period: From December 24th to 31st 2023, and from Jauary 3rd to April 3rd 2024.
3. Operation Vessels: Sichuan Prosperity.
4.Contact person and phone number as follows:
(a) Construction Unit: Yishan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Mr. Lin Qingrui, 0986-139551.
(b) Supervision Unit: Taiwan Sihshi Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd., Mr. Yang Shengjie, 0932-346119.
(c) Contact Person in Our Subsidiary: Engineer Cai Zongyou (07-5622260).
5. A copy of the "Operation Area Map and Contact Personnel List" is attached for your reference.