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Traffic Separation Scheme and Anchorage at Port of Kaohsiung



Traffic Separation Scheme and Anchorage at Port of Kaohsiung

Position of Traffic Separation Scheme and Anchorage at Port of Kaohsiung


Point GRS67(Lat, Long) WGS84(Lat, Long)
A1 22° 38’42”, 120° 14’30” 22° 38’36 ”, 120 ° 14’59”
A2 22° 40’00”, 120° 12’13” 22° 39’54”, 120 ° 12’42 ”
A3 22° 38’46”, 120° 12’11” 22° 38’40”, 120° 12’40 ”
A4 22° 38’18”, 120° 13’06” 22° 38’12”, 120° 13’35”
A5 22° 37’21”, 120° 14’56” 22° 37’15”, 120° 15’25”
F1 22° 37’44”, 120° 12’53” 22° 37’38”, 120° 13’22”
F2 2 22° 37’58”, 120° 11’50” 22° 37’52”, 120° 12’19”
P1 22° 37’27”, 120° 12’48” 22° 37’21”, 120° 13’17”
B1 22° 37’10”, 120° 14’54” 22° 37’04”, 120° 15’23”
B2 22° 37’10”, 120° 14’38” 22° 37’04”, 120° 15’07”
B3 22° 37’08”, 120° 12’48” 22° 37’02”, 120° 13’17”
B4 22° 37’07”, 120° 11’41” 22° 37’00”, 120° 12’10”
B5 22° 35’36”, 120° 15’44” 22° 35’30”, 120° 16’13”
B6(T1) 22° 35’00”, 120° 16’06 ” 22° 34’54”, 120° 16’38”
C1 22° 34’24”, 120° 15’18” 22° 34’18”, 120° 15’47”
C2(R8) 22° 34’24”, 120° 12’37” 22° 34’18”, 120° 13’06”
C3 22° 33’06”, 120° 13’01” 22° 33’00”, 120° 13’30”
C4 22° 33’08”, 120° 15’15” 22° 33’02”, 120° 15’44”
C5 22° 33’10”, 120° 17’17” 22° 33’04”, 120° 17’46”
C6 22° 33’10”, 120° 17’34” 22° 33’04”, 120° 18’03”
S1 22° 32’43”, 120° 15’20” 22° 32’37”, 120° 15’49”
S2 22° 32’22”, 120° 13’27” 22° 32’15”, 120° 13’55”
P2 22° 32’28”, 120° 15’24” 22° 32’22”, 120° 15’53”
D1 22° 32’58”, 120° 17’27” 22° 32’51”, 120° 17’56”
D2 22° 32’16”, 120° 15’25” 22° 32’10”, 120° 16’00”
D3 22° 31’40”, 120° 13’50” 22° 31’34”, 120° 14’19”
D4 22° 30’36”, 120° 14’30” 22° 30’30”, 120° 14’59”
D5 22° 31’52”, 120° 18’06” 22° 31’46”, 120° 18’35”
R1 22° 35’36”, 120° 11’19” 22° 35’30”, 120° 11’48”
R2 22° 35’36”, 120° 10’43” 22° 35’30”, 120° 11’12”
R3 22° 34’24”, 120° 11’10” 22° 34’18”, 120° 11’39”
R4 22° 34’24”, 120° 11’47” 22° 34’18”, 120° 12’16”
R5 22° 35’36”, 120° 09’52” 22° 35’30”, 120° 10’21”
R6 22° 34’24”, 120° 10’18” 22° 34’18”, 120° 10’47”
R7 22° 35’36”, 120° 12’12” 22° 35’30”, 120° 12’41”
T2 22° 34’19”, 120° 15’11” 22° 34’13”, 120° 15’40”
T3 22° 34’08”, 120° 15’19” 22° 34’02”, 120° 15’48”
T4 22° 34’49”, 120° 16’16” 22° 34’43”, 120° 16’45”


1.First (North) Entrance Traffic Lane

(1) Lane-separated navigation area (arrows indicate vessel navigation direction; vessels entering this area must receive prior approval from the VTS controller.)
(a)North limit
A4 22°  38’18”, 120°  13’06” 22°  38’12”, 120°  13’35”
A5 22°  37’21”, 120°  14’56” 22°  37’15”, 120°  15’25”
(b)South limit
B1 22°  37’10”, 120°  14’54” 22°  37’04”, 120°  15’23”
B3 22°  37’08”, 120°  12’48” 22°  37’02”, 120°  13’17”


(2) Bi-directional navigation area (vessels using the traffic separation scheme must stay in their designated traffic lane and follow the general direction of traffic flow)
(a)Separation line
F1 22°  37’44”, 120°  12’53” 22°  37’38”, 120°  13’22”
F2 22°  37’58”, 120°  11’50” 22°  37’52”, 120°  12’19”
(b)Outbound lane
A3 22°  38’46”, 120°  12’11” 22°  38’40”, 120°  12’40”
A4 22°  38’18”, 120°  13’06” 22°  38’12”, 120°  13’35”
B3 22°  37’08”, 120°  12’48” 22°  37’02”, 120°  13’17”
B4 22°  37’07”, 120°  11’41” 22°  37’00”, 120°  12’10”


(3) North Pilot station (for inbound vessels)
P1 22°  37’27”, 120°  12’48” 22°  37’21”, 120°  13’17"

2.Second (South) Entrance Traffic Lane

 (1)Lane-separated navigation area (arrows indicate vessel navigation direction; vessels entering this area must receive prior approval from the VTS controller.)
(a)North limit
C4 22°  33’08”, 120°  15’15” 22°  33’02”, 120°  15’44”
C6 22°  33’10”, 120°  17’34” 22°  33’04”, 120°  18’03”
(b)South limit
D1 22°  32’58”, 120°  17’27” 22°  32’51”, 120°  17’56”
D2 22°  32’16”, 120°  15’25” 22°  32’10”, 120°  16’00”


(2) Bi-directional navigation area (vessels using the traffic separation scheme must stay in their designated traffic lane and follow the general direction of traffic flow)
(a)Separation line
S1 22°  32’43”, 120°  15’20” 22°  32’37”, 120°  15’49”
S2 22°  32’22”, 120°  13’27” 22°  32’15”, 120°  13’55”
(b)Outbound lane
C3 22°  33’06”, 120°  13’01” 22°  33’00”, 120°  13’30”
C4 22°  33’08”, 120°  15’15” 22°  33’02”, 120°  15’44”
D2 22°  32’16”, 120°  15’25” 22°  32’10”, 120°  16’00”
D3  22°  31’40”, 120°  13’50 22°  31’34”, 120°  14’19”


(3)South Pilot station (for inbound vessels)
P2 22°  32’28”, 120°  15’24” 22°  32’22”, 120°  15’53”

3. Lane-Separated navigation area on west side of Nos.2 & 3 anchorage areas (vessels using the traffic separation scheme must stay in their designated traffic lane and follow the general direction of traffic flow)

(a)Separation zone (no entry except in emergency.)
R1 22°  35’36”, 120°  11’19” 22°  35’30”, 120°  11’48”
R2 22°  35’36”, 120°  10’43” 22°  35’30”, 120°  11’12”
R3 22°  34’24”, 120°  11’10” 22°  34’18”, 120°  11’39”
R4 22°  34’24”, 120°  11’47” 22°  34’18”, 120°  12’16”
(b)Southbound lane
R5 22°  35’36”, 120°  09’52” 22°  35’30”, 120°  10’21”
R6 22°  34’24”, 120°  10’18” 22°  34’18”, 120°  10’47”
(c)Northbound lane
R7 22°  35’36”, 120°  12’12” 22°  35’30”, 120°  12’41”
R8 22°  34’24”, 120°  12’37” 22°  34’18”, 120°  13’06”

Navigation Direction

Part I  First (North) Entrance Approaches
  1. (a). From the Kaohsiung lighthouse, a two-way traffic lane leads 2.5 miles WNW. The north boundary of the lane extends outward at an angle of 300-degrees from the head of the north breakwater. The south boundaryextends outward at an angle of 270-degrees from the head of the southbreakwater.
  2. (b). The traffic separation scheme connects with the two-way traffic lane. The north boundary of the scheme extends outward at an angle of 300-degrees from the north boundary of the two-way traffic lane for a length of one mile measured from the end of the two-way traffic lane. The south boundary of the scheme extends outward at an angle of 270-degrees from the south boundary of the two-way traffic lane for a length of one mile measured from the end of the two-way traffic lane. A separation line running at a 285-degree angle for a length of one mile divides the water area between the boundaries into two traffic lanes for inbound and outbound vessels, respectively.
  3. (c). The north pilot station is located at the meeting-point of the inbound traffic lane and the two-way traffic lane at a distance from the Kaohsiung lighthouse of 2.5 miles.
Part II  Second (South) Entrance Approaches
  1. (a). The separation zone measures a half (0.5) mile wide.
  2. (b). The southbound traffic lane measures eight cables wide and 1.2 miles long at an angle of 163 degrees.
  3. (c). The northbound traffic lane measures eight cables wide and 1.2 miles long at an angle of 343 degrees.
Part III  West Channel
  1. (a). The separation zone measures a half (0.5) mile wide.
  2. (b). The southbound traffic lane measures eight cables wide and 1.2 miles long at an angle of 163 degrees.
  3. (c). The northbound traffic lane measures eight cables wide and 1.2 miles long at an angle of 343 degrees.


1. First anchorage area

(1) Area limit

A1(22°  38’42”, 120°  14’30”)(22°  38’36”, 120°  14’59”)
A2(22°  40’00”, 120°  12’13”)(22°  39’54”, 120°  12’42”)
A3(22°  38’46”, 120°  12’11”)(22°  38’40”, 120°  12’40”)
A5(22°  37’21”, 120°  14’56”)(22°  37’15”, 120°  15’25”)     

(2) Purpose: For the medium and small vessels transit via the first (north) entrance, also a spare anchorage for dangerous cargo ship.

2.Second anchorage area

(1) Area limit

B2(22°  37’10”, 120°  14’38”)(22°  37’04”, 120°  15’07”)
B4(22°  37’07”, 120°  11’41”)(22°  37’00”, 120°  12’10”)
R7(22°  35’36”, 120°  12’12”)(22°  35’30”, 120°  12’41”)
B5(22°  35’36”, 120°  15’44”)(22°  35’30”, 120°  16’13”)

(2) Purpose: For the non-dangerous cargo ship transit via the first (north) entrance.

3.Third anchorage area

(1) Limit:

C1(22°  34’24”,  120°  15’18”)(22°  34’18”, 120°  15’47”)
C2(22°  34’24”,  120°  12’37”)(22°  34’18”, 120°  13’06”)
C3(22°  33’06”,  120°  13’01”)(22°  33’00”, 120°  13’30”)
C5(22°  33’10”,  120°  17’17”)(22°  33’04”, 120°  17’46”)
T4(22°  34'   49”,  120°  16'   16”)(22°  34'   43”, 120°  16'  45”)
T3(22°  34'   08”,  120°  15'   19”)(22°  34'   02”, 120°  15'  48”)
T2(22°  34'   19”,  120°  15'   11”)(22°  34'   13”, 120°  15'  40”)

(2) Purpose: For the medium and small non-dangerous cargo ship transit via the second (south) entrance.

4.Fourth anchorage area

(1) Limit:

D1(22°  32’58”, 120°  17’27”)(22°  32’51”, 120°  17’56”)
D3(22°  31’40”, 120°  13’50”)(22°  31’34”, 120°  14’19”)
D4(22°  30’36”, 120°  14’30”)(22°  30’30”, 120°  14’59”)
D5(22°  31’52”, 120°  18’06”)(22°  31’46”, 120°  18’35”)

(2) Purpose: For the large container vessel, bulk carrier transit via the second (south) entrance, also a spare anchorage for dangerous cargo ships.

5. Anchorage area for dangerous cargo ships

(1) Limit:

R7(22°  35’36”, 120°  12’12”)(22°  35’30”, 120°  12’41”)
B5(22°  35’36”, 120°  15’44”)(22°  35’30”, 120°  16’13”)
B6(22°  35’00”, 120°  16’06”)(22°  34’54”, 120°  16’38”)
C1(22°  34’24”, 120°  15’18”)(22°  34’18”, 120°  15’47”)
C2(22°  34’24”, 120°  12’37”)(22°  34’18”, 120°  13’06”)

(2)Purpose: Exclusively for dangerous cargo ships only.

Last Updated:2024-12-06