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POK Port Service Equipment

A total of 36 port service operation vessels provide all port services for in-port merchant vessels.

Vessel Water Supply

Currently, 3 water-supply vessels are rented by Shang Hung Corp. to supply fresh water to merchant vessels. The amount of water supplied per year at POK is approximately 460,000 tones (60,000 tones supplied at dockside, 400,000 tones supplied by water supply vessel). Given current water supply facilities and operating manpower, the water supply service is able to meet merchant vessel demand in terms of time and quantity.

Vessel Name Water Supply (ton) Service Area
K-304 300 In port
K-305 500 In and out of port
K-308 500 In and out of port


The service of tugboat dispatch is provided by the TIPC Marine Corporation,Ltd. and the private company - GLOBAL SALVAGE CO.,LTD. The service scopes are demarcated by Chienchen River (Wharf No. 58). GLOBAL SALVAGE CO.,LTD. is responsible for the northern field from Chienchen River (Wharf No. 58) and the TIPC Marine Corporation,Ltd. takes charge of the southern field from Chienchen River (Wharf No. 58).

TIPC Marine Corporation,Ltd.
Port of Kaoshiung
NO. Vessel name Horsepower Gross Tonnage Length(m) Depth(m) Breadth(m) Draft(m)
1 TIPM 12601 2600 342 34.30 4.30 9.6 3.026
2 TIPM 12606 2600 392 34.15 4.55 10.0 3.1
3 TIPM 13401 3400 344 34.60 4.30 9.60 3.2
4 TIPM 13402 3400 344 34.60 4.30 9.60 3.2
5 TIPM 13403 3400 399 34.70 4.55 10.0 3.3
6 TIPM 13405 3400 399 34.70 4.55 10.0 3.3
7 TIPM 14401 4400 473 37.25 4.80 10.6 3.4
8 TIPM 15003 5000 496 35.08 5.60 11.80 3.9
9 TIPM 15005 5000 496 35.08 5.60 11.80 3.9
10 TIPM 15401 5400 498 38.10 5.00 11.0 3.9
11 TIPM 15402 5400 498 38.10 5.00 11.0 3.9
12 TIPM 16401 6400 498 33.90 5.60 11.8 4.0
13 TIPM 16402 6400 499 33.98 5.60 11.8 4.0
Port of Anping
1 KAO .146 1800 199 26.93 3.65 8 2.88
2 TIPM 12605 2400 392 34.15 4.55 10.0 3.1
3 TIPM 14502 4500 442 35.81 4.65 10.4 3.542
NO. Vessel name Horsepower Gross Tonnage Length(m) Depth(m) Breadth(m) Draft(m)
1 KAO.145 1,800 198 27.87 3.7 8 2.6
2 KAO.112 2,400 277 30.9 3.9 8.8 2.925
3 YU JING 2,400 221 32 2.9 8.82 2.75
4 YU MING 288 2,400 276 30 4.1 9.5 3.1
5 CSBC NO.1 3,200 270 27.05 3.2 9.52 3.1
6 YU DING 303 3,300 340 34.6 4.3 9.6 3.27
7 YU YUAN 101 3,600 384 28.23 4 9.2 4.55
8 YU TAI 403 4,000 326 29.5 4 11 4.78
9 YU HONG 4,400 337 30.52 4 9.5 4.78
10 YU DA 568 5,000 499 39.3 4.8 10.6 3.38

POK Port Services Tug Operations and Dispatch Regulations

The following regulations have been promulgated to ensure port service tug operations and dispatches are fast and reliable in order to maintain the safety of vessels and the port and to ensure operational fairness and efficiency.

Operation Regulations:

  1. The tug dispatch schedule (see table attached) has been established to address the needs of tugs to assist vessels with arrivals, departures and shifting operations.
  2. Vessels shall apply for appropriate tug assistance for arrival / departure /shifting operations in compliance with the tug schedule in order to maintain port navigation safety.
  3. With the approval of the vessel captain, the pilot may arrange for the dispatch of additional tugs to address special conditions, e.g., rough seas, bad weather, loading characteristics, vessel structure, etc.
  4. Merchant vessels equipped with lateral propellers that function properly may reduce the use of tugs. However, unless otherwise excepted and permitted by the Port of Kaohsiung, TIPC, Ltd., such ships must use at least one tug for assistance in order to maintain port safety. Those in any of the following situations must apply for tug services in accordance with regulations to maintain port safety. 
  5. Heavily loaded and extremely large vessels berthing in the No. 4 Basin shall apply for the assistance of two 3,200hp tugs. Based on needs, the pilot in charge may instruct that one of the two be replaced by a 4,000HP tugboat.
  6. Heavily loaded vessels of 20,000 gross tons or more and with drafts exceeding 10m that navigate in the Chienchen River or further north shall apply for the assistance of two 3,200hp tugboats. Based on needs, the pilot in charge may instruct that one of the two be replaced by a 4,000hp tugboat.
  7. Heavily loaded container ships with drafts of 13m or more entering the 2nd Harbor Entrance shall apply for the assistance of two tugs.
  8. Container carrier dock operations should be in “Parallel Berthing” mode during departure and arrival.
  9. Dispatch scheduling priority for tug dispatches during peak demand times: 
  10. Priority will be given to vessels entering / departing the CSBC shipyard and to container ships that are entering / departing.
  11. The departure first, arrival next principle shall apply for vessels scheduled at the same berth.
  12. An in/outbound vessel has priority over an anchor-moored vessel (applicable to anchor mooring at a CSBC dock as well).
  13. Vessels without power propeller systems shall be scheduled only after all other vessels mentioned above have been scheduled.
  14. In emergency situations in which a tug is used, the following exemptions from the aforementioned limitations shall apply.
  15. Excepting those of a tonnage less than 3,000 tons (which must use at least one tug to assist with operations), all vessels carrying dangerous cargoes and sailing at night should abide by relevant regulations for vessels with dangerous cargoes sailing at night and use at least two tugs to assist with operations in order to maintain operational safety.
  16. In the event of sudden mechanical failure, a vessel's arrival/departure and the dispatch of tugs for emergency rescue operation are exempt from tug dispatch schedule limitations.
  17. Except for such causes noted in item (8), according to the tug dispatch schedule a lower power tug should be dispatched. However, if a higher power tug is dispatched at the direction of the Port of Kaohsiung, TIPC, Ltd., the tug expense is still collected according to the calculation of the lower power boat that would normally be dispatched.

Attached table:
Tug dispatch schedule:

Gross Tonnage (tones) Power and number of tugs
Entry of Vessels Exit of Vessels
Below 5000 1,800hp tug x 1 1,800hp tug x 1
Between 5,000 and 10,000 1,800hp x 2 or 2,400hp tug x 1 1,800hp x 2 or 2,400hp tug x 1
Between 10,000 and 15,000 1,800hp and 2,400hp tug x 1 1,800hp and 2,400hp tug x 1
Between 15,000 and 30,000 2,400hp and 3,200hp tug x 1 2,400hp and 3,200hp tug x 1
Between 30,000 and 45,000 2,400hp x 3 or 3,200hp tug x 2 2,400hp x 3 or 3,200hp tug x 2
Between 45,000 and 60,000 4,000hp tug x 2 4,000hp tug x 2
Between 60,000 and 100,000 5,000hp tug x 2 5,000hp tug x 2
Between 100,000 and 180,000 5,000hp tug x 3 5,000hp tug x 3
above 180,000 5,000hp x 3 and 6,000hp tug x 1 5,000hp x 2 and 6,000hp tug x 1

Towrope releasing operation

Currently this business is conducted by three private companies, namely Jun Yang Co., Ltd., Shan Shi Co., Ltd., and Yong Tong Shipping and Transportation Co., Ltd. The total fleet includes 15 mooring/unmooring boats and a total staff of 110 for 24-hour mooring/unmooring services.

Last Updated:2024-12-06